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e2e AI Business Consultancy

e2e AI Business Consultancy

Helping you discover AI use cases, performing big data analytics and ensuring high impact (revenues, profitability, productivity)

Intelligent Process Transformation

Intelligent Process Transformation

Harnessing the power of AI to transform or enhance your unique business processes and get meaningful return-on-investments

Product and Idea Development

Product and Idea Development

Leveraging AI to empower your existing products, ideas or services to boost your intellectual property

What we do

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Alchemy with AI with

Impact beyond Imagination

AI driven business solutions often surpass expectations if meticulously built and applied - and that’s exactly what we, at Mysuru Consulting Group, strive to deliver everyday!

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Deep Learning

Deep Learning 

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning

Competency, Skills & Expertise

Our core competence is Artificial Intelligence Consultancy, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence Research including Probabilistic ML, Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning. We leverage our deep knowledge in these to offer data analytics driven solutions across a stream of applications in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Big Data Analytics spanning

  • Predictive Analytics: Predictive Analytics uses historical data, best fit statistical algorithms based on the problem at hand and machine learning to identify the future outcomes based on current data. Extending this further is “Prescriptive Analytics” that emphasizes on prescribing actions following the predictions.

  • Causality Analytics: Causality Analytics gets to point the root cause or causes of the problem rather than only the symptoms using historical data and deep analytics. This is used extensively in problem solving for seemingly complex business problems.

  • IoT Analytics: The IoT Analytics pertains to the analysis of huge data generated by connected devices. This is a powerful way to auto-control processes, improve customer engagement, empower associates and increase productivity.

  • Prescriptive Analytics: Prescriptive analytics, as the name suggests, provides a guidance to a future action based on historical data and prediction. As an example for an adverse event prediction, prescriptive analytics can suggest ways to prevent it based on past data and outcomes.

  • Cybersecurity Analytics: Cybersecurity analytics focuses on analysis of a range of cybersecurity data to detect and analyze security events. This makes it possible to detect a threat before it can impact cyber infrastructure or cause disruptions.

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